Thursday, December 6, 2012

Stevens Wiki

Wallace Stevens is a poet whose words will some how change your life, if not your perspective on life. Although his poetry is difficult to understand at first glance, once a poem is found that one connects with, everthing else will become crystal clear. In The Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens each poem is places in a special section that will guide the reader through the thoughts of Stevens himself. Hamonium begins to explores the idea of death and darkness, leading to beauty and reality, and then the idea of fiction reality. By the time one reads more into Stevens poetry the idea of sublime, fiction and reality will be no stranger to the mind. Without realization his main point becomes the belief in a fiction hero, a fiction reality that only the mind of the reader can understand. By believing in a fiction reality readers recieve a sense of aww (sublime) and understanding as Stevens poetry will begin to appear in life as if it was always there, but never seen!