Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Unnecessary red

“A lasting visage in a lasting bush,
A face of stone in an unending red,
Red-emerald, red-slitted-blue, a face of slate,

An ancient forehead hung with heavy hair,
The channel slots of rain, the red-rose-red
And weathered and the ruby-water-worn,
The vines around the throat, the shapeless lips,
The frown like serpents basking on the brow,
The spent feeling leaving nothing of itself,
Red-in-red repetitions never going
Away, a little rusty, a little rouged,
A little roughened and ruder, a crown
The eye could not escape, a red renown
Blowing itself upon the tedious ear.
An effulgence faded, dull cornelian
Too venerably used. That might have been.
It might and might have been. But as it was,
A dead shepherd brought tremendous chords from hell
And bade the sheep carouse. Or so they said.
Children in love with them brought early flowers
And scattered them about, no two alike.”

What an interesting and blunt way to describe a redhead...

I thought there was to much use of blue and green in Wallace Stevens poems and that he couldn't top them... Wrong. I highly dislike the color red, I even highly dislike my hair because its red. And yet here Stevens uses the repetition of red and a redheaded woman just one too many times for me to start liking this stanza. It's exactly how he describes it... "Red-in-red repetitions never going away"

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