Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Love to write it, "dislike" to read it

I thought I'd start myself off with admitting that I am in fact a bit nervous for this course! I love to write poetry myself, in fact I have a stack of papers I've been meaning to put into a nice binder for about a year now since I putting my writing aside. But the truth is that I cannot stand reading poetry and having to analyis it. I feel it's to much pressure to really think about what the poetry means. You get graded or evaluated based on your answer which poetry (anyones poetry) can mean anything to any different person, so it is rather difficult for me to show enthusiasm for thinking and "brainstorming" about someone elses writing. But I am hoping to be proven wrong about Stevens writing and style of poems. I have only read the first 20 to 30 pages of his collection thus far. Without critically thinking, I enjoy his writing and the mystery to him. I did notice that he had a common theme going on between poems but could not put my finger on it specifically until we talked more about it in class on Friday. So after admitting my truth and fear of a poetry class, I'm setting aside my feelings and hoping for the best! Bring it on Stevens!

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