Friday, September 14, 2012

Poetry like music... Try again!

The last few days of class have been an ongoing discussion about poetry sounding like music if you pay very close attention... And that may be true for the majority of those who read poetry... Like I mentioned... I love writing poetry but hate reading it and I think I now know why! When you think about poetry in relation to music you look at the sounds and you imagine the sounds of certain instruments against the sound of the lines flowing together. Now yes I understand that's very possible and I just explained myself very well (haha) but what about for someone who has only been able to hear specific sounds to musical instruments for say a year like me... I've always had to interpret poetry solely on meaning, definition and purpose. Not sounds and flow and fluency.., so the idea of poetry as music is rather foreign to me. I always feel now (even with the ability to hear music for one year) that a poem has to be analyzed by meaning not enjoyed for sounds. Perhaps I should try reading some poetry while listening to music to see the comparison... I can't even imagine the difficulty I am having now being able to hear that someone COMPLETELY deaf might experience!

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